How to control the Stack Quantity level in a Container

How to control the Stack Quantity level in a Container

Containers can be set to limit the stacking level of Products loaded into them

There is no limit for the  stacking quantity level in a Container by default.

Here is a Sample Load of where the stacking level reaches 6. There are 100 products to load, 25 of each color.

Here is the Sample Load re-optimized to have the Container stack no higher than 2 levels. The rest of the Products are loaded into a second container.

A Container's Product stacking level cannot be controlled with a Product's Maximum Stack rule

A Product's stacking can be controlled by its Product attribute Maximum Stack; however, Maximum Stack only limits how many it can stack on itself.

Setting Maximum Stack to 2 for four different Products does not prevent these four Products from stacking 8 levels high, four stacks of 2s if the height of the container is tall enough.

Here is the Sample Load re-optimized after Maximum Stack is set to 2 for each Product. The Maximum Stack rule of 2 only limits products to stacking up to 2 on themselves.

Product Maximum Stack of 2 rule is working above. No Products is stacked more than 2 on itself; however, the Container is not limiting the stacking quantity of Products. The Container above has Products stacked up to 5 levels.  
Limit the stacking quantity level in a Container with the General Maximum Stack Quantity Setting.

The General Maximum Stack Quantity is in the Setting's Client Specific tab

The Client Specific tab is unavailable by default. The "Let the software show Client Specific Data" box must first be checked before this tab is available in the Settings area.

Show this tab by: 1) click Options menu, 2) click Default tab, and 3) check the Client Specific Data box in the "Let the software show .." area

The Client Specific tab will now be available in the list of Setting tabs here.

Use the General Max Stack Quantity Setting rule to limit the Product stacking level in a Container

Once Cube-IQ is showing the Client Specific tab, the General Max Stack Quantity can be changed from the 999999 default to 2.

Change this setting by: 1) click Settings menu, 2) click Client Specific tab, and 3) type 2 in the General Max Stack Quantity field

Here is the Sample Load again optimized after General maximum stack quantity is set to 2.

Two containers are used above to accommodate having Products stack no higher than 2 levels.

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