Here is the Excel file opened in the Flexi window. There are three dropdown lists:
The "Skip" in each of the columns means no Cube-IQ fields are mapped to any of the columns.
Click on a dropdown menu to select the appropriate Cube-IQ field to map for each column. Column A is CONTAINERID in this example.
Here are all the columns' dropdown menus mapped to the appropriate Cube-IQ fields. Column Mapping are automatically listed in the the lower panel after mapped field is selected in the the dropdown menu.
Column A to E mappings to Cube-IQ are straight forward. A maps to CONTAINERID, B maps to DEPTH, C maps to WIDTH, D maps to HEIGHT, and E is MAXWEIGHT.
Column F's "Type" maps to Cube-IQ's TYPE field. There are different Container Types in Cube-IQ such as Rectangular, Truck/Trailer, Pallet, and Carton. The example above will import 3 of these types: 1) Box, 2) Pallet, and 3) Rectangular
Columns G's "Outside Height" in this example is the height of the container's floor; therefore, the mapping for this column G in Cube-IQ is OUTSIDEEXTRAHEIGHT. Cube-IQ's OUSIDEEXTRAHEIGHT field is used for multistage Loads where a container's height is taken into account in the next stage. Only the Pallet has a value in column G, the other containers have 0. The pallet has a value of 5.5 inches, this means 5.5 inches is added to the height of the loaded pallet in the next stage.
Column H's "Bottom to Top" maps to Cube-IQ's BOTTOMTOTOPLOADING. BOTTOMTOTOPLOADING expects a TRUE or FALSE value. TRUE means container is loaded from the bottom to top, while FALSE means the Container is loaded from the back to front.
Column I's "Compacting in Height" maps to PARTIALLOADONFLOOR. PARTIALLOADONFLOOR expects a TRUE or FALSE value, TRUE means compacting in height, while FALSE means compacting along container's length.
Mapped columns can be saved
Mapped columns can be saved and reloaded for future use to save time when another similar Excel sheet needs mapping again. Excel sheet must have header columns in the same order, otherwise column dropdown menus will need to be corrected after loading a mapping configuration file.
Save column mapping in Flexi Window by: 1) click Save Mapping Button, 2) navigate to a folder and enter a filename, and 3) click Save
Begin importing Loads into Cube-IQ
Containers can begin importing after columns are mapped and # Header rows is set. Column mappings for A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I are also summarized in the lower panel of the Flexi window.
Complete the importing process from Flexi window by: 1) click Begin import button, 2) click OK when Import is complete, 3) review messages in bottom panel, and 4) click Close.
The bottom panel returns Containers imported. The footer line of the Flexi also returns how many containers are: Imported, New, Updated, Deleted, and the number of Errors. There are 3 new containers imported.
Review Imported Containers in Cube-IQ
Navigate to the Containers menu, and open each Container. Each Container's dimensions are imported as per the Excel sheet. The Loading direction and compacting have also been imported. For example, the 20' Rectangle loads from back to front along length and the Medium Pallet loads bottom to top in height.
Here are the three imported containers. The yellow highlight Container's Dimension and Weight, while the orange highlights are the loading direction and compacting.
The Sample 20' Rectangle Container is imported as loading back to front and compacting along length.
The Sample Medium Box is imported as loading back to front and along its length.
The Medium Pallet is imported as loading bottom to top and compacting in height.