How to set Product Max supported weight

How to set Product Max supported weight

Products can be limited by the weight of how much other Products are stacked on top of it

Here is a Sample Load of 4 Product Ids. The blue Products can only support other Products to a Max. limit of 100 lbs. in this sample.

The weights of the yellow and red products are highlighted above to point out why the Optimized load below is over the Max supported weight limit.

Here are two versions the Sample Load Optimized. The left side is Optimized before addressing the blue Products Max supported weight limit, while the right side is Optimized after setting the blue Product's Max supported weight to 100 lbs.


The left Container is loaded wrong on account of the combined weight of red and yellow Products on top of blue Products is greater than than 100 lbs.

The Right Container is correctly loaded. Cube-IQ has addressed the blue Product's 100 lb. Max supported weight limit by loading blue Products last in this example.

Enter a Product's Max supported weight in the Product's Stacking tab 

Set a Product's Max supported weight limit by: 1) click Products menu, 2) click Stacking tab, and 3) type 100 in Max. Supported weight field

Here is the Sample Load Optimized after 100 lbs. Max. Supported weight is set for the blue Product.

Blue Products are no longer supporting a weight greater than 100 lbs. The best Optimization for this Load is to load all the blue Products at the front of the container.

Max. Supported weight can be automatically turned off under certain conditions

If the Quantity is more than 100 products in the load, Max. supported weight is switched off due to a recursion limit on the calculation

Cube-IQ will automatically disable the Max supported weight setting when the Quantity of Products in a load is greater than 100.

Here is the Sample Load again where Quantity of green Products is increased to 52, bringing the total Quantity of Products to 112.

Here is the Sample Load reoptimized after total Quantity of Products to load is greater than 100; therefore, the Max. supported weight limit is switched off due to the recursion limit on the calculation. 

The blue Products near the front of the Container now have a combine weight of 110 lbs. loaded on top them on account of the Max. supported weight is switched off.
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