How to setup a Product Set

How to setup a Product Set

Cube-IQ can have Products comprised as a Set

A Product Id comprised of other Products is called a Set. A Set has a Product Id like a regular Product; however, it is comprised of  multiple Products, each with a Quantity of 1 or more.

Here is an example of 3 Product Sets:
  1. Set of red and brown Products - "set 17"
  2. Set of 2 orange and 2 purple Products - "set 26"
  3. Set of blue, 2 greens, and 3 yellow Products - "set 345"  

Here is a Load of after adding "set 17", "set 26", and "set 345" Product Ids. 7 Products are listed with total 12 Qty after 3 Product Sets are added.

7 Products are automatically listed with total Qty of 12 after adding 3 Product Sets.

Add Items to a new Product Id to create a new Set

Product Ids of Set examples used in this Knowledge Base will begin with "set" followed by product numbers of Products that make up the set.

For example, the Set with Product #3, Product #4, and Product #5 is named "set 345".

set 345

Create a Set by: 1) click Product menu, 2) click new button, 3) type name for Product Id, 4) click Items tab, 5) check the "Items comprise a Set" box, 6) click Select Items button, 7) click Products that will comprise this set into the Selected combo box, 8) click OK

Here is "set 345" comprised of  prd 3, prd 4, and prd 5. Each Product has default Quantity of 1.

Here are the Products illustrated in "set 345", set has Quantity of 1 for each blue, green and yellow Product.

Products comprised in a Set can each have a different Quantity by changing their Quantity column in the Product's Items tab.

Products in a set can each have a Quantity of 1 or more.

Change a Set's Quantities by: 1) Open the Set, 2) click the Items tab, and 3) change the Quantity amount

Above is "set 345" where default Quantities of comprised Products have changed:
  1. blue remains at Quantity = 1
  2. green Quantity = 2
  3. yellow Quantity = 3

Here are the Products illustrated in "set 345" after its Quantities are changed.

Add Product sets to a new Load

Add a Set to a Load in the same way a Product is added to a Load.

A Set's Products are listed in the PTL (Product To Load) list after it is added to a Load.

Add a Set to a new Load by: 1) click Load Setup, 2) click New Load, 3) type a name for the Load, 4) click + Product button, 5) Select a Product Set, and then 6) click OK

Here is the Sample Set Load after adding "set 345" Product Id to it.

The PTL in the list above are the 3 Products comprised in "set 345", and automatic Qty for them are: blue =  1, green = 2, and yellow = 3 

Here are two more sets to be added to the Sample Set Load: 1) "set 17", and  2) "set 26"

Here is the Sample Set Load after adding the two Sets above.

The PTL in the list above now also include the Products comprised in "set 17" and "set 26". Their Qty are the Quantities from the Sets: "set 17" Qty is brown = 1 and red = 1, and  "set 26" Qty is purple =2 orange = 2

Two pallet are used when the Sample Set Load is Optimized.

The Products are loaded onto 2 Pallets; however, the Sets are not grouped together by default.

The blue product is not loaded together with the rest of its green and yellow Set, and the purple and green product are also not loaded together.

A set can be assigned a Default Group number to have its Product Grp equal the Set's Default Group number in a new Loads.

Assign default Group numbers to a Set

Edit a Set to have its Product have a default Group number before adding the Set to  a new Load to keep its Products together in the same container.

Assign a default Group number to a Set by: 1) click Products, 2) select a Product Set, 3) click Items tab, and 4) enter a Group number in the "Default Group in new Loads" text box

Default Group in new Loads = 345 above for "set 345". The blue, green, and yellow Products will automatically have Grp = 345 when "set 345" Product Set is added to a Load.

Sample Set Load with default Group numbers

In this example default Group numbers have been assigned to three sets:
  1. "set 17" Default Group number = 17
  2. "set 26" Default Group number = 26
  3. "set 345" Default Group number = 345

Here is the Sample Set Load after adding "set 17", "set 26", and "set"345"

Products above have their Set's default Group number in the Grp column.

Here is the new Sample Set Load above Optimized with the Set's default Group number. The small grayed out pallets on the right was Optimized without Default Groups from the earlier section.

Comprised products belonging to a set are loaded together on the pallets. The "set 26" and "set 345" are loaded on the first pallet, while "set 17" is loaded on the second pallet.


The splitting Groups over Containers is set to "Never Allowed" in this example. Click here to learn more about the "Never Allowed" Group setting.

Learn more about Groups

Click here to learn How to group products together in a load

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