The loading sequence of products can be loaded by their group number instead of by sequence number.
The default Seq. number is 1. It is not necessary to assign each product a Seq. number to control loading order if loaded products are grouped. Cube-IQ can load products by their Grp. number instead if the "Use Group as primary sequence" feature is enabled.
Here is a load where products have already been loaded and assigned either group 1, 2 or 3. These three groups have been color coded, group 1 for blue, 2 for green, and 3 for red. This load has also not been sequenced, all their Seq. numbers are defaulted to 1.
And here is the result after optimizing, notice how the order of the grouped colored products below are in no special order. For example, red products below belonging to group 3 are loaded first, blue products belonging to group 1 are second to be loaded, and green products belonging to group 2 are loaded last.
Products above are grouped, however there is no defined loading order.
Instead of updating the Seq. number for each product to control the loading order, products can be loaded in the order of their Grp. Number with the "Use Group as primary sequence" feature.
Enable the "Use Group number as primary sequence" feature to load products in the order of their group number.
To enable "Use Group as primary sequence": 1) click Options at the top, 2) click the Loading Rules tab, and 3) check the "Use Group number as primary" check box
Here are the loaded containers again from earlier load after re-optimizing with the “Use Group number as primary sequence” checked.
The product above are now loaded in the order of their Grp. number. Blue products belonging to group 1 are loaded first in container 1, green products belonging to group 2 are loaded next, and the red products belong to group 3 are loaded last.
Using Cube-IQ’s group number to group products together in a load.
Cube-IQ's Use 'sequence' with groups feature to sequence after grouping.